Note:make sure u have teachers account.If you are finding admin button on your home page after's mean you have teacher's account but If you don't find please generate a support ticket or contact us on
please click Login button on home page
Step 2
Use your email address and password for login
Step 3
Click on admin button
Step 4:
Add your full name
Your email address in headline
Add your image by clicking at (Add image)
Add your detailed bio (profile)
Step 5:
Scroll down
Add your twitter name and your Google plus name
It’s optional (by providing these contacts your students can also contact you there and by providing these details you can also increase your audience)
Click on (save bio) to save your bio
Step 6:
Click on courses
Step 7:
Now you have two options to create your course
New course and add a course, click on any one option
Step 8:
Add your course name
Add subtitle of your course
Add detailed description of your course
Step 9:
Scroll down and click on create course
Wow!! Now your course is created